Energy Slicing Theory

Potential Energy Slicing

This section contains the formulation used to implement the SlicedNonbondedForce class. For simplicity, the equations presented in here follow the conventional 1-based indexing, whereas the class API follows Python’s 0-based indexing.

Slicing the potential energy starts with partitioning all N particles of a system into n disjoint subsets or “colors”. This procedure results in \(n(n+1)/2\) slices, distinguished by order-invariant pairs of subset indices. Slice I, J comprises all pairs involving a particle in subset I and a particle in another (or the same) subset J.


Example: three particle subsets () form six energy slices

It is straightforward to slice pairwise Lennard-Jones interactions, as well as the direct-space, self-energy, and exclusion/exception parts of the Ewald summation. Therefore, the present section focuses on the reciprocal-space part. The goal is to express the reciprocal-space energy as

\[E_{rec} = \sum_{I=1}^n \sum_{J=I}^n \lambda^{elec}_{I,J} E^{rec}_{I,J},\]

where \(E^{rec}_{I,J}\) is the reciprocal-space contribution of Slice I, J.

Reciprocal-Space Energy

For a simulation box with edge matrix \(\mathbf L\) containing N particles under periodic boundary conditions, the standard reciprocal part of the electrostatic potential energy can be expressed as

\[E_{rec} = \frac{2\pi}{\epsilon_0 V} \sum_{\mathbf n \neq \mathbf 0} \frac{e^{-\frac{k^2}{4\alpha^2}}}{k^2} \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=1}^N q_i q_j e^{\text{ⅈ} {\mathbf k}\cdot({\mathbf r}_i - {\mathbf r}_j)},\]

where \(\epsilon_0\) is the vacuum permittivity, \(V\) is the box volume, \(\mathbf n \in \mathbb Z^3\) is an integer lattice vector, \(\mathbf k = 2\pi \mathbf L^{-1}{\mathbf n}\) is a reciprocal space wave vector, \(k = \|\mathbf k\|\) is the norm of \(\mathbf k\), and \(\text{ⅈ} = \sqrt{-1}\) is the imaginary unit. As the summations over indices i and j run for all particles, we can write

\[E_{rec} = \frac{2\pi}{\epsilon_0 V} \sum_{\mathbf n \neq \mathbf 0} \frac{e^{-\frac{k^2}{4\alpha^2}}}{k^2} \Bigg(\sum_{i=1}^N q_i e^{\text{ⅈ} {\mathbf k}\cdot{\mathbf r}_i} \Bigg) \Bigg(\sum_{j=1}^N q_j e^{-\text{ⅈ} {\mathbf k}\cdot{\mathbf r}_j}\Bigg).\]

The first term inside parentheses is the charge structure factor

\[S(\mathbf k) = \sum_i q_i e^{\text{ⅈ} {\mathbf k}\cdot{\mathbf r}_i}\]

and the second one is its complex conjugate \({\overline S}(\mathbf k)\), so that we can write

\[E_{rec} = \frac{2\pi}{\epsilon_0 V} \sum_{\mathbf n \neq \mathbf 0}\frac{e^{-\frac{k^2}{4\alpha^2}}}{k^2} |S(\mathbf k)|^2.\]

Sliced Reciprocal-Space Energy

The structure factor of a subset I can be computed as

\[S_I(\mathbf k) = \sum_{i \in I} q_i e^{\text{ⅈ} {\mathbf k}\cdot{\mathbf r}_i}.\]

Since we have disjoint subsets, this makes \(S(\mathbf k) = \sum_{I=1}^n S_I(\mathbf k)\). Substituting into \(S(\mathbf k) {\overline S}(\mathbf k)\) and expanding the product, all imaginary terms cancel out, as expected. The reciprocal-space energy then becomes

\[E_{rec} = \frac{2\pi}{\epsilon_0 V} \sum_{\mathbf n \neq \mathbf 0} \frac{e^{-\frac{k^2}{4\alpha^2}}}{k^2} \sum_{I=1}^n \sum_{J=1}^n S_I(\mathbf k) \cdot S_J(\mathbf k),\]

where \(x \cdot y = \text{Re}(x)\text{Re}(y) + \text{Im}(x)\text{Im}(y)\) for two complex numbers x and y. It is now clear that the energy of a slice I, J should be calculated by

\[E^{rec}_{I,J} = \frac{2\pi\alpha_{I,J}}{\epsilon_0 V} \sum_{\mathbf n \neq \mathbf 0} \frac{e^{-\frac{k^2}{4\alpha^2}}}{k^2} S_I(\mathbf k) \cdot S_J(\mathbf k),\]

where a prefactor \(\alpha_{I,J} = 2-\delta_{I,J}\) accounts for the fact that \(S_I(\mathbf k) \cdot S_J(\mathbf k)\) shows up twice in the \(E^{rec}_{I,J}\) definition whenever \(I \neq J\).

Sliced PME Implementation

Each subset-specific structure factor \(S(\mathbf k)\) can be calculated using the smooth Particle Mesh Ewald method [1]. This requires n FFT calculations for evaluating all slices. In the case of forces, n additional inverse FFT calculations are necessary. Therefore, in a single processor and for a fixed number of particles, the computational effort scales approximately linearly with the number of subsets (not the number of slices). In a GPU, as with the OpenCL and CUDA instances of openmm.Platform, we take advantage the capability of either package vkFFT or cuFFT to speed-up parallel FFT calculations via batched transforms.