.. module:: integrators
:platform: Unix, Windows
:synopsis: Unified Free Energy Dynamics Integrators
.. moduleauthor:: Charlles Abreu <abreu@eq.ufrj.br>
import numpy as np
import openmm
from openmm import unit
from ufedmm.ufedmm import _standardized
def add_inner_nonbonded_force(system, inner_switch, inner_cutoff, force_group_index):
Adds a new force group to an :OpenMM:`System` containing a :OpenMM:`NonbondedForce`
object, with the purpose of performing multiple time-scale integration via the
RESPA2 splitting scheme of Morrone, Zhou, and Berne :cite:`Morrone_2010`. Also,
assigns the provided `force_group_index` to this new group and `force_group_index+1`
to the original :OpenMM:`NonbondedForce`. When used in an instance of any subclass
of :class:`AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator`, the new force group must be set as
embodied by the :OpenMM:`NonbondedForce` as opposed to being complimentary to it.
.. warning:
The new force group is not intended to contribute to the system energy. Its sole
purpose is to provide a smooth, short-range force calculator for some
intermediary time scale in a RESPA-type integration.
system : openmm.System
The system the inner force will be added to, which must contain a
inner_switch : float or unit.Quantity
The inner switching distance, where the interaction of an atom pair begins
to switch off to zero.
inner_cutoff : float or unit.Quantity
The inner cutoff distance, where the interaction of an atom pairs completely
switches off.
force_group_index : int
The force group the new interactions will belong to. The old
:OpenMM:`NonbondedForce` will be automatically assigned to
>>> import ufedmm
>>> from openmm import unit
>>> dt = 2*unit.femtoseconds
>>> temp = 300*unit.kelvin
>>> tau = 10*unit.femtoseconds
>>> gamma = 10/unit.picoseconds
>>> model = ufedmm.AlanineDipeptideModel()
>>> ufedmm.add_inner_nonbonded_force(
... model.system, 5*unit.angstroms, 8*unit.angstroms, 1
... )
if openmm.__version__ < "7.5":
raise Exception("add_inner_nonbonded_force requires OpenMM version >= 7.5")
nonbonded_force = next(
filter(lambda f: isinstance(f, openmm.NonbondedForce), system.getForces())
except StopIteration:
raise Exception("add_inner_nonbonded_force requires system with NonbondedForce")
if (
nonbonded_force.getNumParticleParameterOffsets() > 0
or nonbonded_force.getNumExceptionParameterOffsets() > 0
raise Exception("add_inner_nonbonded_force does not support parameter offsets")
periodic = nonbonded_force.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()
rs = _standardized(inner_switch)
rc = _standardized(inner_cutoff)
a = rc + rs
b = rc * rs
c = (30 / (rc - rs) ** 5) * np.array([b**2, -2 * a * b, a**2 + 2 * b, -2 * a, 1])
f0s = sum([c[n] * rs ** (n + 1) / (n + 1) for n in range(5)])
def coeff(n, m):
return c[m - 1] if m == n else c[m - 1] / (m - n)
def func(n, m):
return "*log(r)" if m == n else (f"*r^{m-n}" if m > n else f"/r^{n-m}")
def val(n, m):
return f0s if m == 0 else (coeff(n, m) - coeff(0, m) if n != m else coeff(n, m))
def sgn(n, m):
return "+" if m > 0 and val(n, m) >= 0 else ""
def S(n):
return "".join(f"{sgn(n, m)}{val(n, m)}{func(n, m)}" for m in range(6))
potential = "eps4*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)+Qprod/r"
potential += (
mixing_rules = "; Qprod=Q1*Q2"
mixing_rules += "; sigma=halfsig1+halfsig2"
mixing_rules += "; eps4=sqrt4eps1*sqrt4eps2"
force = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(potential + mixing_rules)
for parameter in ["Q", "halfsig", "sqrt4eps"]:
force.CutoffPeriodic if periodic else force.CutoffNonPeriodic
ONE_4PI_EPS0 = 138.93545764438198
for index in range(nonbonded_force.getNumParticles()):
charge, sigma, epsilon = map(
_standardized, nonbonded_force.getParticleParameters(index)
[charge * np.sqrt(ONE_4PI_EPS0), sigma / 2, np.sqrt(4 * epsilon)]
non_exclusion_exceptions = []
for index in range(nonbonded_force.getNumExceptions()):
i, j, q1q2, sigma, epsilon = nonbonded_force.getExceptionParameters(index)
q1q2, sigma, epsilon = map(_standardized, [q1q2, sigma, epsilon])
force.addExclusion(i, j)
if q1q2 != 0.0 or epsilon != 0.0:
(i, j, q1q2 * ONE_4PI_EPS0, sigma, 4 * epsilon)
if non_exclusion_exceptions:
exceptions = openmm.CustomBondForce(f"step({rc}-r)*({potential})")
for parameter in ["Qprod", "sigma", "eps4"]:
for i, j, Qprod, sigma, eps4 in non_exclusion_exceptions:
exceptions.addBond(i, j, [Qprod, sigma, eps4])
nonbonded_force.setForceGroup(force_group_index + 1)
class CustomIntegrator(openmm.CustomIntegrator):
"""An extension of :OpenMM:`CustomIntegrator` class with an extra per-dof variable
named `temperature`, whose content is the temperature of the heat bath associated to
each degree of freedom. A per-dof temperature is necessary if the extended-space
variables and the physical system are coupled adiabatically to thermostats at
different temperatures. Otherwise, any other OpenMM integrator can be used.
temperature : float or unit.Quantity
The temperature.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The step size with which to integrate the equations of motion.
def __init__(self, temperature, step_size):
self.temperature = temperature
self.addPerDofVariable("kT", unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R * temperature)
self._up_to_date = False
def __repr__(self):
"""A human-readable version of each integrator step (adapted from openmmtools)
readable_lines : str
A list of human-readable versions of each step of the integrator
readable_lines = []
self.getNumPerDofVariables() > 0 and readable_lines.append("Per-dof variables:")
per_dof = []
for index in range(self.getNumPerDofVariables()):
readable_lines.append(" " + ", ".join(per_dof))
self.getNumGlobalVariables() > 0 and readable_lines.append("Global variables:")
for index in range(self.getNumGlobalVariables()):
name = self.getGlobalVariableName(index)
value = self.getGlobalVariable(index)
readable_lines.append(f" {name} = {value}")
readable_lines.append("Computation steps:")
step_type_str = [
"{target} <- {expr}",
"{target} <- {expr}",
"{target} <- sum({expr})",
"constrain positions",
"constrain velocities",
"allow forces to update the context state",
"if ({expr}):",
"while ({expr}):",
indent_level = 0
for step in range(self.getNumComputations()):
line = ""
step_type, target, expr = self.getComputationStep(step)
if step_type == 8:
indent_level -= 1
command = step_type_str[step_type].format(target=target, expr=expr)
line += "{:4d}: ".format(step) + " " * indent_level + command
if step_type in [6, 7]:
indent_level += 1
return "\n".join(readable_lines)
def update_temperatures(self, system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures):
nparticles = len(self.getPerDofVariableByName("kT")) - len(
temperatures = [system_temperature] * nparticles + extended_space_temperatures
kT = [
unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R * T * openmm.Vec3(1, 1, 1) for T in temperatures
self.setPerDofVariableByName("kT", kT)
self._up_to_date = True
def step(self, steps):
if not self._up_to_date:
self.update_temperatures(self.temperature, [])
class AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator(CustomIntegrator):
"""An abstract class for middle-type, multiple time-scale integrators.
.. warning::
This class is meant for inheritance only and does not actually include
thermostatting. Concrete subclasses are available, such as
:class:`MiddleMassiveNHCIntegrator` and :class:`GeodesicLangevinIntegrator`,
for instance.
Child classes will differ by the thermostat algorithm, which must be implemented
by overriding the `_bath` method (see the example below).
Temperature is treated as a per-dof parameter so as to allow adiabatic simulations.
The following :term:`ODE` system is solved for every degree of freedom in the
system, with possibly :math:`n_c` holonomic constraints and with forces possibly
split into :math:`m` parts according to their characteristic time scales:
.. math::
& \\dot{r}_i = v_i \\\\
& \\dot{v}_i = \\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^m F_i^{[k]}}{m_i}
+ \\sum_{k=1}^{n_c} \\lambda_k \\nabla_{r_i} \\sigma_k
+ \\mathrm{bath}(T_i, v_i) \\\\
& \\sigma_k(\\mathbf{r}) = 0
An approximate solution is obtained by applying the Trotter-Suzuki splitting
formula. In the particular case of two time scales, the default splitting scheme
goes as follows:
.. math::
e^{\\Delta t\\mathcal{L}} =
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^{[1]}_v}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0}\\mathcal{L}^{[0]}_v}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{bath}}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0}\\mathcal{L}^{[0]}_v}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^{[1]}_v}
Each exponential operator is the solution of a particular subsystem of equations.
If :math:`\\mathrm{bath}(T_i, v_i) = 0`, the scheme above is time-reversible,
measure-preserving, and symplectic. It is referred to as the ``VV-Middle`` scheme
:cite:`Zhang_2019`, where VV stands for Velocity Verlet. An alternative approach
is also available, which is:
.. math::
e^{\\Delta t\\mathcal{L}} =
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{bath}}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2 n_0 n_b}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{n_0}\\mathcal{L}^{[0]}_v}
e^{\\Delta t \\mathcal{L}^{[1]}_v}
This is referred to as the ``LF-Middle`` scheme :cite:`Zhang_2019`, where LF stands
for Leap-Frog. In contrast to the previous scheme, it is not time-reversible.
However, in single time-scale simulations, the two approaches result in equivalent
coordinate trajectories, while the latter provides a velocity trajectory more
consistent with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at the specified temperature
temperature : unit.Quantity
The temperature of the heat bath.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The outer step size with which to integrate the equations of motion.
Keyword Args
num_rattles : int, default=0
The number of RATTLE computations for geodesic integration
:cite:`Leimkuhler_2016`. If ``num_rattles=0``, then no constraints are
considered at all.
scheme : str, default='VV-Middle'
Which splitting scheme will be used. Valid options are 'VV-Middle' and
respa_loops : list(int), default=[1]
A list of `m` integers, where `respa_loops[k]` determines how many substeps
with force group `k` are internally executed for every step with force group
bath_loops : int, default=1
The number of iterations of the bath operator per each step at time scale
`0`. This is useful when the bath operator is not exact, but derived from a
splitting solution.
embodied_force_groups : list(int), default=[]
A list of indices of force groups. The presence of an index `i` is this list
means that the contribution of force group `i` is embodied in force group
`i+1`. Therefore, such contribution must be properly subtracted during the
integration at time scale `i+1`. This feature requires OpenMM 7.5 or a newer
unroll_loops : bool, default=True
Whether the integrator loops should be unrolled for improving efficiency.
Using ``unroll_loops=False`` can be useful for printing the integrator
>>> from ufedmm import integrators
>>> from openmm import unit
>>> class MiddleNoseHooverIntegrator(integrators.AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator):
... def __init__(self, ndof, tau, temperature, step_size, num_rattles=1):
... super().__init__(
... temperature, step_size, num_rattles, 'VV-Middle', [1], 1
... )
... kB = 8.3144626E-3*unit.kilojoules_per_mole/unit.kelvin
... gkT = ndof*unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R*temperature
... self.addGlobalVariable('gkT', gkT)
... self.addGlobalVariable('Q', gkT*tau**2)
... self.addGlobalVariable('v_eta', 0)
... self.addGlobalVariable('twoK', 0)
... self.addGlobalVariable('scaling', 1)
... def _bath(self, fraction):
... self.addComputeSum('twoK', 'm*v*v')
... self.addComputeGlobal(
... 'v_eta', f'v_eta + {0.5*fraction}*dt*(twoK - gkT)/Q'
... )
... self.addComputeGlobal('scaling', f'exp(-{fraction}*dt*v_eta)')
... self.addComputePerDof('v', f'v*scaling')
... self.addComputeGlobal(
... 'v_eta', f'v_eta + {0.5*fraction}*dt*(scaling^2*twoK - gkT)/Q'
... )
>>> integrator = MiddleNoseHooverIntegrator(
... 500, 10*unit.femtoseconds, 300*unit.kelvin,
... 1*unit.femtoseconds, num_rattles=0
... )
>>> print(integrator)
Per-dof variables:
Global variables:
gkT = 1247.169392722986
Q = 0.1247169392722986
v_eta = 0.0
twoK = 0.0
scaling = 1.0
Computation steps:
0: allow forces to update the context state
1: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
2: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
3: twoK <- sum(m*v*v)
4: v_eta <- v_eta + 0.5*dt*(twoK - gkT)/Q
5: scaling <- exp(-1.0*dt*v_eta)
6: v <- v*scaling
7: v_eta <- v_eta + 0.5*dt*(scaling^2*twoK - gkT)/Q
8: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
9: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
def __init__(
if scheme not in ["LF-Middle", "VV-Middle"]:
raise Exception(f"Invalid value {scheme} for keyword scheme")
super().__init__(temperature, step_size)
self._num_rattles = num_rattles
self._scheme = scheme
self._respa_loops = respa_loops
self._bath_loops = bath_loops
self._intertwine = intertwine
self._subtractive_groups = embodied_force_groups
num_rattles > 0 and self.addPerDofVariable("x0", 0)
num_rattles > 1 and self.addGlobalVariable("irattle", 0)
if not unroll_loops:
for scale, n in enumerate(respa_loops):
n > 1 and self.addGlobalVariable(f"irespa{scale}", 0)
bath_loops > 1 and self.addGlobalVariable("ibath", 0)
if embodied_force_groups:
if openmm.__version__ < "7.5":
raise Exception(
"Use of `embodied_force_groups` option requires OpenMM >= 7.5"
self.addPerDofVariable("f_emb", 0)
integration_groups = set(range(len(respa_loops))) - set(
if unroll_loops:
self._integrate_respa_unrolled(1, len(respa_loops) - 1)
self._integrate_respa(1, len(respa_loops) - 1)
def _step_initialization(self):
def _integrate_respa(self, fraction, scale):
if scale >= 0:
n = self._respa_loops[scale]
if n > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal(f"irespa{scale}", "0")
self.beginWhileBlock(f"irespa{scale} < {n-1/2}")
self._boost(fraction / (2 * n if self._scheme == "VV-Middle" else n), scale)
self._integrate_respa(fraction / n, scale - 1)
self._scheme == "VV-Middle" and self._boost(fraction / (2 * n), scale)
if n > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal(f"irespa{scale}", f"irespa{scale} + 1")
self._intertwine or self._translation(0.5 * fraction)
n = self._bath_loops
if n > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal("ibath", "0")
self.beginWhileBlock(f"ibath < {n-1/2}")
self._intertwine and self._translation(0.5 * fraction / n)
self._bath(fraction / n)
self._num_rattles > 0 and self.addConstrainVelocities()
self._intertwine and self._translation(0.5 * fraction / n)
if n > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal("ibath", "ibath + 1")
self._intertwine or self._translation(0.5 * fraction)
def _integrate_respa_unrolled(self, fraction, scale):
if scale >= 0:
n = self._respa_loops[scale]
for i in range(n):
fraction / (2 * n if self._scheme == "VV-Middle" and i == 0 else n),
self._integrate_respa_unrolled(fraction / n, scale - 1)
self._scheme == "VV-Middle" and i == n - 1 and self._boost(
fraction / (2 * n), scale
n = self._bath_loops
self._intertwine or self._translation(0.5 * fraction)
for i in range(n):
self._intertwine and self._translation(
fraction / (2 * n if i == 0 else n)
self._bath(fraction / n)
self._num_rattles > 0 and self.addConstrainVelocities()
i == n - 1 and self._intertwine and self._translation(
fraction / (2 * n)
self._intertwine or self._translation(0.5 * fraction)
def _translation(self, fraction):
if self._num_rattles > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal("irattle", "0")
self.beginWhileBlock(f"irattle < {self._num_rattles-1/2}")
self.addComputePerDof("x", f"x + {fraction/max(1, self._num_rattles)}*dt*v")
if self._num_rattles > 0:
self.addComputePerDof("x0", "x")
"v", f"v + (x - x0)/({fraction/self._num_rattles}*dt)"
if self._num_rattles > 1:
self.addComputeGlobal("irattle", "irattle + 1")
def _boost(self, fraction, scale):
if len(self._respa_loops) > 1:
if scale - 1 in self._subtractive_groups:
self.addComputePerDof("f_emb", f"f{scale-1}")
self.addComputePerDof("v", f"v + {fraction}*dt*(f{scale}-f_emb)/m")
self.addComputePerDof("v", f"v + {fraction}*dt*f{scale}/m")
self.addComputePerDof("v", f"v + {fraction}*dt*f/m")
self._num_rattles > 0 and self.addConstrainVelocities()
def _bath(self, fraction):
class GeodesicLangevinIntegrator(AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator):
"""A geodesic Langevin integrator :cite:`Leimkuhler_2016`, which can be integrated
by using either the LF-Middle or the VV-Middle scheme :cite:`Zhang_2019`.
.. note:
The VV-Middle scheme is also known as the BAOAB :cite:`Leimkuhler_2016` method.
temperature : float or unit.Quantity
The temperature.
friction_coefficient : float or unit.Quantity
The friction coefficient.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The time-step size.
Keyword Args
num_rattles : int, default=1
The number of RATTLE computations for geodesic integration
:cite:`Leimkuhler_2016`. If ``num_rattles=0``, then no constraints are
considered at all.
scheme : str, default='LF-Middle'
Which splitting scheme will be used. Valid options are 'VV-Middle' and
All other keyword arguments in :class:`AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator`.
>>> import ufedmm
>>> dt = 2*unit.femtoseconds
>>> temp = 300*unit.kelvin
>>> gamma = 10/unit.picoseconds
>>> ufedmm.GeodesicLangevinIntegrator(
... temp, gamma, dt, num_rattles=1, scheme='VV-Middle'
... )
Per-dof variables:
kT, x0
Global variables:
friction = 10.0
Computation steps:
0: allow forces to update the context state
1: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
2: constrain velocities
3: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
4: x0 <- x
5: constrain positions
6: v <- v + (x - x0)/(0.5*dt)
7: constrain velocities
8: v <- z*v + sqrt((1 - z*z)*kT/m)*gaussian; z = exp(-friction*1.0*dt)
9: constrain velocities
10: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
11: x0 <- x
12: constrain positions
13: v <- v + (x - x0)/(0.5*dt)
14: constrain velocities
15: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
16: constrain velocities
def __init__(
temperature, step_size, num_rattles=num_rattles, scheme=scheme, **kwargs
self.addGlobalVariable("friction", friction_coefficient)
def _bath(self, fraction):
expression = (
f"z*v + sqrt((1 - z*z)*kT/m)*gaussian; z = exp(-friction*{fraction}*dt)"
self.addComputePerDof("v", expression)
class MiddleMassiveNHCIntegrator(AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator):
"""A massive, middle-type Nose-Hoover Chain Thermostat solver :cite:`Martyna_1992`
with optional multiple time-scale integration via RESPA.
To enable RESPA, the forces in OpenMM system must be split into distinct force
groups and the keyword ``respa_loop`` (see below) must be a list with multiple
temperature : float or unit.Quantity
The temperature.
time_constant : float or unit.Quantity
The characteristic time constant.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The time-step size.
Keyword Args
nchain : int, default=2
The number of thermostats in each Nose-Hoover chain.
track_energy : bool, default=False
Whether to track the thermostat energy term.
All keyword arguments in :class:`AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator`, except
>>> import ufedmm
>>> temp, tau, dt = 300*unit.kelvin, 10*unit.femtoseconds, 2*unit.femtoseconds
>>> integrator = ufedmm.MiddleMassiveNHCIntegrator(
... temp, tau, dt, respa_loops=[4, 1], unroll_loops=False
... )
>>> print(integrator)
Per-dof variables:
kT, Q, v1, v2
Global variables:
irespa0 = 0.0
Computation steps:
0: allow forces to update the context state
1: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f1/m
2: irespa0 <- 0
3: while (irespa0 < 3.5):
4: v <- v + 0.125*dt*f0/m
5: x <- x + 0.125*dt*v
6: v2 <- v2 + 0.125*dt*(Q*v1^2 - kT)/Q
7: v1 <- (v1*z + 0.125*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q)*z; z=exp(-0.0625*dt*v2)
8: v <- v*exp(-0.25*dt*v1)
9: v1 <- (v1*z + 0.125*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q)*z; z=exp(-0.0625*dt*v2)
10: v2 <- v2 + 0.125*dt*(Q*v1^2 - kT)/Q
11: x <- x + 0.125*dt*v
12: v <- v + 0.125*dt*f0/m
13: irespa0 <- irespa0 + 1
14: end
15: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f1/m
def __init__(
if "num_rattles" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["num_rattles"] != 0:
raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot handle constraints")
self._tau = _standardized(time_constant)
self._nchain = nchain
self._track_energy = track_energy
super().__init__(temperature, step_size, **kwargs)
self.addPerDofVariable("Q", 0)
for i in range(nchain):
self.addPerDofVariable(f"v{i+1}", 0)
if track_energy:
self.addPerDofVariable(f"eta{i+1}", 0)
def update_temperatures(self, system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures):
super().update_temperatures(system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures)
Q = [self._tau**2 * kT for kT in self.getPerDofVariableByName("kT")]
self.setPerDofVariableByName("Q", Q)
def _bath(self, fraction):
n = self._nchain
def a(i):
return f"(Q*v{i-1}^2 - kT)/Q" if i > 1 else "(m*v^2 - kT)/Q"
def z(i):
return f"exp(-{fraction/4}*dt*v{i+1})"
self.addComputePerDof(f"v{n}", f"v{n} + {fraction/2}*dt*{a(n)}")
for i in reversed(range(1, n)):
f"v{i}", f"(v{i}*z + {fraction/2}*dt*{a(i)})*z; z={z(i)}"
self.addComputePerDof("v", f"v*exp(-{fraction}*dt*v1)")
for i in range(1, n):
f"v{i}", f"(v{i}*z + {fraction/2}*dt*{a(i)})*z; z={z(i)}"
self.addComputePerDof(f"v{n}", f"v{n} + {fraction/2}*dt*{a(n)}")
class MiddleMassiveGGMTIntegrator(AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator):
"""A massive, middle-type Generalized Gaussian Moment Thermostat :cite:`Liu_2000`
solver with optional multiple time-scale integration via RESPA.
To enable RESPA, the forces in OpenMM system must be split into distinct force
groups and the keyword ``respa_loop`` (see below) must be a list with multiple
temperature : float or unit.Quantity
The temperature.
time_constant : float or unit.Quantity
The characteristic time constant.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The time-step size.
Keyword Args
All keyword arguments in :class:`AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator`, except
>>> import ufedmm
>>> temp, tau, dt = 300*unit.kelvin, 10*unit.femtoseconds, 2*unit.femtoseconds
>>> integrator = ufedmm.MiddleMassiveGGMTIntegrator(temp, tau, dt)
>>> print(integrator)
Per-dof variables:
kT, Q1, Q2, v1, v2
Computation steps:
0: allow forces to update the context state
1: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
2: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
3: v1 <- v1 + 0.5*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q1
4: v2 <- v2 + 0.5*dt*((m*v^2)^2/3 - kT^2)/Q2
5: v <- v*exp(-1.0*dt*(v1 + kT*v2))/sqrt(1 + 2.0*dt*m*v^2*v2/3)
6: v1 <- v1 + 0.5*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q1
7: v2 <- v2 + 0.5*dt*((m*v^2)^2/3 - kT^2)/Q2
8: x <- x + 0.5*dt*v
9: v <- v + 0.5*dt*f/m
def __init__(self, temperature, time_constant, step_size, **kwargs):
if "num_rattles" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["num_rattles"] != 0:
raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot handle constraints")
self._tau = _standardized(time_constant)
super().__init__(temperature, step_size, **kwargs)
self.addPerDofVariable("Q1", 0)
self.addPerDofVariable("Q2", 0)
self.addPerDofVariable("v1", 0)
self.addPerDofVariable("v2", 0)
def set_extended_space_time_constants(self, time_constants):
self._xs_taus = [_standardized(tau) for tau in time_constants]
def update_temperatures(self, system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures):
super().update_temperatures(system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures)
kT_vectors = self.getPerDofVariableByName("kT")
kT3_vectors = [openmm.Vec3(kT.x**3, kT.y**3, kT.z**3) for kT in kT_vectors]
if hasattr(self, "_xs_taus"):
num_particles = len(kT_vectors) - len(extended_space_temperatures)
taus = [self._tau] * num_particles + self._xs_taus
Q1 = [kT * tau**2 for kT, tau in zip(kT_vectors, taus)]
Q2 = [8 / 3 * kT3 * tau**2 for kT3, tau in zip(kT3_vectors, taus)]
Q1 = [kT * self._tau**2 for kT in kT_vectors]
Q2 = [8 / 3 * kT3 * self._tau**2 for kT3 in kT3_vectors]
self.setPerDofVariableByName("Q1", Q1)
self.setPerDofVariableByName("Q2", Q2)
def _bath(self, fraction):
self.addComputePerDof("v1", f"v1 + {fraction/2}*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q1")
self.addComputePerDof("v2", f"v2 + {fraction/2}*dt*((m*v^2)^2/3 - kT^2)/Q2")
f"v*exp(-{fraction}*dt*(v1 + kT*v2))/sqrt(1 + {2*fraction}*dt*m*v^2*v2/3)",
self.addComputePerDof("v1", f"v1 + {fraction/2}*dt*(m*v^2 - kT)/Q1")
self.addComputePerDof("v2", f"v2 + {fraction/2}*dt*((m*v^2)^2/3 - kT^2)/Q2")
class RegulatedNHLIntegrator(AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator):
"""A regulated version of the massive Nose-Hoover-Langevin
:cite:`Samoletov_2007,Leimkuhler_2009` method. Regulation means that the system
Hamiltonian is modified so that velocities remain below a temperature-dependent
limit. This is closely related to the SIN(R) method :cite:`Leimkuhler_2013` and
allows multiple time-scale integration with very large outer time steps, without
.. info:
If `regulation_parameter = 1` (default), this method is equivalent to SIN(R)
with a single thermostat per degree of freedom (that is, `L=1`).
The following :term:`SDE` system is solved for every degree of freedom in the
.. math::
& dr_i = v_i dt \\\\
& dp_i = F_i dt - v_{\\eta_i} m_i v_i dt \\\\
& dv_{\\eta_i} = \\frac{1}{Q}\\left(\\frac{n+1}{n} m_i v_i^2 - k_B T\\right) dt
- \\gamma v_{\\eta_i} dt + \\sqrt{\\frac{2\\gamma k_B T}{Q}} dW_i,
.. math::
v_i = c_i \\tanh\\left(\\frac{p_i}{m_i c_i}\\right).
Here, :math:`n` is the regulation parameter and :math:`c_i` is the maximum speed for
degree of freedom `i`, given by :math:`c_i = \\sqrt{\\frac{n k T}{m_i}}`. The
inertial parameter :math:`Q` is defined as :math:`Q = n k_B T \\tau^2`, with
:math:`\\tau` being a relaxation time :cite:`Tuckerman_1992`. An approximate
solution is obtained by applying the Trotter-Suzuki splitting formula:
.. math::
e^{\\Delta t\\mathcal{L}} =
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^1_p}
\\left[e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^0_p}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{bath}}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}_r}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^0_p}\\right]^m
e^{\\frac{\\Delta t}{2}\\mathcal{L}^1_p}
where :math:`\\delta t = \\frac{\\Delta t}{m}`. Each exponential operator above is
the solution of a differential equation.
The exact solution for the physical-system part is:
.. math::
r_i(t) = r_i^0 + c_i \\mathrm{tanh}\\left(\\frac{p_i}{m c_i}\\right) t
.. math::
p_i(t) = p_i^0 + F_i t
The bath propagator is further split as:
.. math::
e^{\\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{bath}} =
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2m}\\mathcal{L}_B}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2m}\\mathcal{L}_S}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{m}\\mathcal{L}_O}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2m}\\mathcal{L}_S}
e^{\\frac{\\delta t}{2m}\\mathcal{L}_B}
Part 'B' is a boost, whose solution is:
.. math::
v_{\\eta_i}(t) = v_{\\eta_i}^0 +
\\frac{1}{Q}\\left(\\frac{n+1}{n} m_i v_i^2 - k_B T\\right) t
Part 'S' is a scaling, whose solution is:
.. math::
p_i(t) = m_i c_i \\mathrm{arcsinh}\\left[
\\sinh\\left(\\frac{p_i^0}{m_i c_i}\\right) e^{- v_{\\eta_i} t}
Part 'O' is an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, whose solution is:
.. math::
v_{\\eta_i}(t) = v_{\\eta_i}^0 e^{-\\gamma t}
+ \\sqrt{\\frac{k_B T}{Q}(1-e^{-2\\gamma t})} R_N
where :math:`R_N` is a normally distributed random number.
step_size : float or unit.Quantity
The outer step size with which to integrate the equations of motion.
loops : int
The number of internal substeps at each time step.
temperature : unit.Quantity
The temperature of the heat bath.
time_scale : unit.Quantity (time)
The relaxation time (:math:`\\tau`) of the Nose-Hoover thermostat.
friction_coefficient : unit.Quantity (1/time)
The friction coefficient (:math:`\\gamma`) of the Langevin thermostat.
regulation_parameter : int or float
The regulation parameter n.
Keyword Args
semi_regulated : bool, default=True
Whether to use the semi-regulated NHL version of the method instead of its
fully-regulated version.
split_ornstein_uhlenbeck : bool, default=True
Whether to split the drifted Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator.
All keyword arguments in :class:`AbstractMiddleRespaIntegrator`, except
def __init__(
if "num_rattles" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["num_rattles"] != 0:
raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot handle constraints")
self._tau = np.sqrt(regulation_parameter) * time_constant
self._n = regulation_parameter
self._split = split_ornstein_uhlenbeck
self._semi_regulated = semi_regulated
super().__init__(temperature, step_size, **kwargs)
self.addPerDofVariable("invQ", 0)
self.addPerDofVariable("v_eta", 0)
self.addPerDofVariable("c", 0)
self.addGlobalVariable("friction", friction_coefficient)
self.addGlobalVariable("omega", 1.0 / self._tau)
self.addGlobalVariable("aa", 0)
self.addGlobalVariable("bb", 0)
def update_temperatures(self, system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures):
super().update_temperatures(system_temperature, extended_space_temperatures)
kT_vectors = self.getPerDofVariableByName("kT")
tauSq = _standardized(self._tau) ** 2
Q = [tauSq * kT for kT in kT_vectors]
invQ = [openmm.Vec3(*map(lambda x: 1 / x if x > 0.0 else 0.0, q)) for q in Q]
self.setPerDofVariableByName("invQ", invQ)
def _step_initialization(self):
self.addComputePerDof("c", f"sqrt({self._n}*kT/m)")
n = np.prod(self._respa_loops) * self._bath_loops
self.addComputeGlobal("aa", f"exp(-friction*dt/{n})")
self.addComputeGlobal("bb", "omega*sqrt(1-aa^2)")
def _translation(self, fraction):
n = self._n
if self._semi_regulated:
expression = f"0.5*m*v*c*tanh(v/c); c=sqrt({n}*kT/m)"
expression = f"{0.5*(n+1)/n}*m*(c*tanh(v/c))^2; c=sqrt({n}*kT/m)"
self.addComputePerDof("x", f"x + c*tanh(v/c)*{fraction}*dt")
def _bath(self, fraction):
n = self._n
if self._semi_regulated:
G = "; G=(m*v*c*tanh(v/c) - kT)*invQ"
G = f"; G=({(n+1)/n}*m*(c*tanh(v/c))^2 - kT)*invQ"
if self._split:
boost = f"v_eta + G*{0.5*fraction}*dt" + G
if self._semi_regulated:
scaling = f"v*exp(-v_eta*{0.5*fraction}*dt)"
scaling = (
"; asinh_z=(2*step(z)-1)*log(select(step(za-1E8),2*za,za+sqrt(1+z*z)))"
"; za=abs(z)"
f"; z=sinh(v/c)*exp(-v_eta*{0.5*fraction}*dt)"
if self._split:
Ornstein_Uhlenbeck = "v_eta*aa + bb*gaussian"
Ornstein_Uhlenbeck = "v_eta*aa + G*(1-aa)/friction + bb*gaussian" + G
self._split and self.addComputePerDof("v_eta", boost)
self.addComputePerDof("v", scaling)
self.addComputePerDof("v_eta", Ornstein_Uhlenbeck)
self.addComputePerDof("v", scaling)
self._split and self.addComputePerDof("v_eta", boost)